Wednesday, May 17, 2017


It’s been a bad last few days for Trump – but I want to touch on one of the more disturbing bit of news about how NATO is “scrambling” and “freaking out” about Trump’s attendance at the next NATO meeting.  The guy is such an ignoramus that they have to tailor the meeting specifically for his short attention span and restrict speaker’s remarks to between 2 and 4 minutes at a time.  Yes, the American President – one of the most powerful positions in the world – doesn’t have an attention span beyond 4 minutes.  That is amazing.  And tragic.  This quote just about sums it up

“It’s kind of ridiculous how they are preparing to deal with Trump.  It’s like they’re preparing to deal with a child — someone with a short attention span and mood who has no knowledge of NATO, no interest in in-depth policy issues, nothing. They’re freaking out.”

This is the guy who said NATO is obsolete, and then on second thoughts is no longer obsolete.  This is the guy who handed Angela Merkel a bill for NATO expenses, and then didn’t shake her hand.  This is the guy who shared highly classified and confidential intelligence from an ally with the Russians.  This is the guy who fired the FBI head because he refused to end an investigation into Russian influence on members of his administration.  This is the guy about to go to the Middle East who has absolutely no grasp on the nuances of the history, geography and conflicts in the region.  This is a guy who apparently can only absorb information from single-page memos and visual aids like maps, charts, graphs and photos.  This is a guy who apparently causes officials to strategically include his name as often as they can in documents because he will only keep reading them if he is mentioned.  This is the guy about to visit Muslim countries who has tried to enforce anti-Muslim travel bans.  The only good thing for him about his upcoming foreign trip is that at least he can momentarily escape all the domestic strife and scandals surrounding his presidency.  No sympathy from me - I hope the woes continue to pile on for this hypocrite.  If it wasn’t already clear by now, the President doesn’t have a clue about what he is doing – go back to hawking your crappy hotels, steaks, golf courses and reality TV show.  Again, shame on America for electing this oaf.  Just imagine the uproar if this was Hillary rather than Trump surrounded by all this controversy.

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