Thursday, July 22, 2021

Paine Field

Paine Field is the airport north of me in Everett - it only started offering commercial services in March 2019 (good timing for lots of passengers!).  So obviously I haven't flown out of there yet, but I'd like to as it's much closer and easier for me to get to than Sea-Tac.  Though I don't know what the parking situation is like if I have to leave my car there.  But I have some airline credit burning a hole in my pocket from my canceled trip to San Francisco, and I have to use it before the end of the year.  So where to go?  Obviously if I fly out of Sea-Tac there are a lot more choices, but if I look at Paine Field then the options are somewhat limited: Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Spokane and Tucson.  You can't go wrong with an excursion to San Diego, I have a friend now living in Vegas, but I'm quite tempted by a trip to Arizona - really anywhere in the south is tempting when the Pacific NW starts to get dark, wet, cold and miserable at the end of the year.  So I hope to book something soon, and hopefully airport travel isn't problematic by the time I go. 

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