Sunday, September 29, 2019

More rugby

So, what matches did the ingenious folks in charge of NBC Sports decide to air this weekend from the Rugby World Cup?  Japan vs Ireland?  Nope.  Australia vs Wales?  Nope.  We got Argentina vs Tonga on Friday, and Scotland vs Samoa tonight.  And that's it.  Great.  And I don't see any more England games being aired as I do a quick search of the TV listings in the weeks ahead.  Really great.  I might have to consider alternative means to watch the games (VPN?).  It's not helping that the official extended highlights of the games provided by NBC Sports are absolutely dreadful - half the time taken up by conversions, kick attempts, replays and pre-match stuff and very little actual "rugby", not good when the highlights are only 10 minutes long.  I despair.   

1 comment:

  1. What surprises me more is that you're surprised by this.

    The various VP's @ NBC are going to have a collective "zero clue" about rugby.

    It'd be like the BBC showing highlights of handball (or your beloved AFL).

    I'm fully supportin' the "Brave Blossoms" now (having previously nay-sayed the whole "egg chucking" thing)
