Saturday, December 15, 2018

Thar She Blows

Woke up today to inspect the damage from last night's storm, and look what I found:

Yes, that is a large branch that just missed causing any structural damage and is hanging perilously on the power lines into my house.    It was tantalizingly out of reach when I leaned out of the bathroom window, but I have the advantage of my landlord next door - who was able to bring out his ladder, climb up onto the roof and get rid of it.  So much damage from this first windstorm of the season - my garden has got loads of bits of tree everywhere.  And on a drive through the neighborhood, it was clear that a lot of stuff had come down everywhere, including some big trees - lots of remains from clearing debris from the roads overnight and today, and the traffic lights were still not working.  Another storm due tomorrow - but rain rather than wind.

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