Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Perhaps I’m too cynical, but I’m not as overly impressed with the Alabama result yesterday as most of the liberal media.  Yes, it was unusual for a Democrat to beat a Republican in an extremely red state.  But then, this was hardly a usual election.  The losing Republican still got 49% of the votes, even though he was a sexual predator of teenage girls and ridiculously far-right of far-right on many of his beliefs and issues.  If thing were “normal”, he should never have been allowed to run (let alone receive support from the President) and then should have been crushed at the polls.  I hope this is a wake-up call for both the Republican Party and the President – continue on their self-destructive agenda and they will continue to lose, and lose heavily, in subsequent elections.  But the Democratic party is still a mess – divided, directionless and lacking leadership.  This was not a win for the Democrats.  This was a vote against and a loss for Trump and the Republican party.  Do I think he will change?  No, he is a petty and vindictive man-child who will say or do anything to stay on the front page of newspapers – no matter how controversial, how untrue or how ridiculous that might be.  But perhaps the Republican Party comes out of this even worse – unable to put forward a decent candidate, unable to pass meaningful bills, and unwilling or unable to stand up to the President.  If more of them did, then perhaps they would earn more of my respect – but since they don’t, even though privately I suspect most of them hate Trump, they are just going to meekly concede power through losing one election after another.   

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