Monday, October 17, 2016

Not Making America Great Again

It’s clear that Trump has conceded that he is going to lose the vote – why else for the frankly dangerous talk about a rigged election?  Such is the bile and hatred towards Hillary that Trump has instigated that it’s going to be a far from smooth transition to her presumed presidency, and I predict a lot of ugliness and several assassination attempts being made by the crazies who think she will take away their right to bear arms, that she didn’t really win the vote or whatever other outlandish theory that Trump tweets about.  He is an absolute disgrace – to the Republicans, to the political process and to America.  I hope he loses in a landslide, but he probably won’t – unbelievably he is still polling around 40%, so who knows what else he can get away with saying or doing….  I’ve been watching a few shows and reading a few articles about Trump supporters and what they believe in, and they are cringe-worthy and make me so, so angry – their statements and opinions are uneducated, uninformed, idiotic and extremely offensive.  Stuff like Obama is a foreign-born Muslim, climate change is a hoax, etc.  This is all due to the nonsense that Trump spews out, and millions of people actually believe in this drivel.  It’s very disheartening, and shows just how ignorant some people are and how divided America has become.  If it’s not a landslide victory by Hillary, don’t expect future elections to be any better.

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