Monday, November 1, 2021

Car Problems

As I hopped into my car this afternoon, I was greeted by this sight:

Cue panic.  Although it looks like someone had broken into my car, this seems unlikely since it was parked at home, and the fact that nothing was missing from inside.  Much more likely is that it was my landlord - who I saw puttering about in his lawnmower earlier in the day, and probably kicked up a rock or pebble into my car window.  It's not the first time this has happened.  Though the first time it has smashed an entire car window.  But to his credit he did help me clear up the mess and patch up the window - probably with a bit of a guilty conscience.  And he did offer to help pay for the repair, even though there is no definitive evidence that he caused it.  But I am worried about how long it might take to repair - the earliest appointment I could get through the car insurance company was in about 3 weeks time.  So I've left some messages for some other local auto glass specialists, and I'll phone around tomorrow for some more estimates and hopefully be able to get a repair sooner that isn't too expensive (I may not even go through insurance, if it costs less than $500 then I'd have to pay for it anyway).  But I've a dentist appointment tomorrow, and I don't want to reschedule - so I'm going to risk driving the car, and leaving it unattended in a car park, with this flimsy plastic window cover.  Hopefully it will stay on...  I was also planning to see No Time to Die tomorrow, but I think that will have to wait.      

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