Saturday, November 20, 2021


My distrust of Apple and Microsoft software updates has become more palpable recently.  I refuse to update my iPhone to iOS 15 unless I absolutely have to.  The last time I made a major update to my phone, it caused all kinds of issues - notably on my battery life.  Similarly, I refuse to update my laptop to Windows 11 - even though I can.  The last time I made a major update to my laptop, it caused all kinds of performance issues.  This is why I like my Chromebook - the updates are discrete, and there is a lot less faffing around than you have to do with Windows or Apple devices.  Chromebooks used to be seen as knockoff laptops that were just useful for web-browsing - but now that you can do everything on the web, such as using Microsoft Office products, I think we're at the point when getting an expensive and heavy Windows laptop is redundant when we only need a cheap, quick and light Chromebook.  At least for my needs, and the average person's needs.  

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