Saturday, November 27, 2021


Well, I guess that's just my luck.  We have a new mutant COVID variant spreading like wildfire, just a few weeks before I'm due to go back to the UK.  And with the potential to totally f*ck up my travel plans.  Just typical.  I got a little bit nervous with lots of European countries going into lockdown.  But this new variant is a much bigger deal.  And now we see UK travel and mask rules tighten.  I'm okay with mask stuff - I'm used to that here.  But the COVID testing is an expensive pain in the ass.  The lateral flow test that I've already ordered and paid for (despite it being the same as one of the free NHS tests) - that I have to take within a few days of arrival - is now redundant.  I have to get a PCR test, and "self-isolate" until I get a negative result - which could take a while, especially since the labs are probably going to be backed up with loads of testing with these new rules.  Let's hope I can get the test and results quickly - even though inevitably it's going to be a rip off.  I'm starting to question whether I should even do this trip now - the risks seem higher than before.  I'm worried about things like getting a positive test at some point during the trip, someone on my flight testing positive, someone in my family testing positive, the UK going under lockdown again, the US re-entry rules becoming much more restrictive again, etc etc.  But we've not crossed that red line for canceling yet.  And I have to remember that this trip is not just for me, but I think it's important for certain family members that I'm back home this Christmas - especially after last year's lockdown debacle.  

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