Tuesday, August 17, 2021

PS5 Update

Miracles do happen!  I got a text from a friend today saying that he had a special invite from Sony to order a PS5 today.  Naturally, I was extremely jealous - I've never had one of these invites, and I don't know how you get one.  But, I did know that after the console had been offered to the invitees then a couple of hours later the rest of the stock gets offered to the general public.  So knowing that my friend got his console at noon, I went onto the website at 2 pm.  And sure enough, I was put in a queue and then a waiting room and then the product page and shockingly I was able to order it (which you have to do quickly before it goes out of stock, which can happen in seconds).  All of this somehow simultaneously while I was in a meeting, and a meeting that I was actively contributing to.  I had a minor panic attack when I got to the payment page and it wouldn't let me type in my credit card number - I feared that if I refreshed the page then I would lose the order.  But somehow it worked out, and I've got an order confirmation.  Once I get the console, then I'm sure I'll order a few extremely beautiful games to play (maybe the same ones as my friend so that we can do multiplayer) - though at my age, all games have started to become increasingly complicated and difficult.   

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