Sunday, August 29, 2021

Astro's Playroom

I just completed Astro's Playroom on my PS5, the free game that comes pre-installed on the console.  Well it's not really a game, just a series of playable demos to show off the capabilities of the PS5 and particularly it's flashy new controller.  For example, at one point you have to blow into the controller to activate something in the game - which I'm sure can't be very hygienic!  But it looked and sounded great.  As do my 4K movies that the PS5 will play (the first time I've actually owned something that will play them - even though I've owned the discs for ages).  It took me a long time to work out which options on the PS5 I need to select to get optimal sound, because nothing is straightforward with my setup.  Since I'm a completist, I had to get every single trophy available to me on the game.  With some online help, I managed to do this apart from one.  Which is frustrating,  But I'm never going to get that remaining trophy, which involves completing these speed runs within a certain time limit - and I'm just not that good enough or dedicated player to achieve that.  Oh well.  Now I need to splash the cash on a proper PS5 game!    

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