Friday, June 5, 2020


So, so tired.  I feel physically and mentally spent.  No energy, no motivation.  I feel like working from home is just rotting my brain away.  And 3 months of it still to go.  At least.  And what's going on in the world right now is just demoralizing and soul-destroying.  These are tough times.  I've definitely had a bad week, where a combination of work-related stress and lack of sleep have sapped all my drive.  This affects all aspects of my life, whether it means I'm eating lazily and unhealthily, or I'm not doing the chores that I need to do to keep my house clean.  I know it's bad because I'm struggling to hold my concentration to watch a film or even read a magazine or book.  Or write a blog post.  I hope I'm able to recharge this weekend.

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