Sunday, June 21, 2020


I started putting together some ladder bookcases I purchased recently.  They're nothing flashy - quite cheap Ikea-type products that require screwing together some wooden and metal pieces.  I wanted something to display more of the various pieces of junk I've collected over the years, but a decent display cabinet is just too awkward and too heavy for me to put together by myself.  So you'd think and hope that these simple bookcases would be a cheap compromise and fairly straightforward to construct.  But then I noticed something - see if you can spot the problem in the photo below of what should be 8 similar-looking pieces of wood:

Yep, that one 2nd to the left doesn't have any holes.  How the hell does that happen?  I've ordered a replacement part online, but if I even get a response then I've got no idea how long it's going to take for me to get it.  Great - once again I pay the price for being a cheapskate.  Even though I have enough disposable income that I don't need to be.  Serves me right.     

1 comment:

  1. This is where you flip over "2nd left" to find the holes on the other side - lol
