Tuesday, June 23, 2020


What I thought would be my final visit to the dentists for a while today.  I got my teeth cleaned - and this was the kind of dentist's visit I feared and hated with the hygienist scraping 25 years worth of buildup from my teeth.  But alas despite being told at previous visits, and this visit, that my teeth are in good shape, they need more work.  Specifically, 3 fillings.  And on top of that, I apparently have a receding gumline as well.  Which I guess goes hand in hand with my receding hairline.  So yes, 2 more visits required next month.  I'm slightly suspicious of the timing, and expense, of all this extra work required - but I can't be too critical since I've only got myself to blame for going so long without seeing a dentist (and all things considered, it could have been a lot worse considering how long it's been).  Next on the list, I need to find a decent optician and get a handle on the state of my eyes (and get some new glasses, which is something long overdue).

I also want to add that it is now a requirement to wear face masks in Washington state.  This means you have to wear them whenever you're in an indoor public setting and also some public outdoor settings, or risk a fine and/or jail time.  Which is something I do anyway.  But I can't tell you how much it annoys me when I encounter people that don't - so this is good.  And I can't tell you how much it annoys me when certain people in the most "at-risk" population don't bother wearing face masks when they go shopping, even if there's not a specific requirement to do so.  Why take the risk?  It's utterly stupid not to do so, and there's no excuse not to do so.     

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