Monday, February 17, 2020

Out of Sync

Another day off work today - this time for President's Day.  We have too many public holidays at the start of the year - such a waste.  And although it wasn't all wet today (though it did hail briefly), how did I spend the day?  Setting up my new entertainment system.  Let me state first of all that it is not easy unpacking, adding a stand and moving a big TV by yourself.  But I just about managed to cope, and so was able to go ahead and set everything up.  And then the problems started.  What joy it is to try to make sense of all the various settings.  On each piece of equipment.  And how they all tie in together, and what results in the optimal picture and sound.  First of all, realized that I have an old cable box that doesn't output 4K - so my hope of being able to watch the Chelsea-Man Utd game in really high definition was dashed.  I think I could get a new cable box - but if I'm going to cut the cord then now is the time.  So I need to make a decision on that soon.  But my biggest gripe - and the thing that is going to keep me awake at night - is that the video and the audio from my cable box do not quite sync up.  The video is every so slightly ahead of the audio.  I don't know whether it is the TV, the sound bar or the connection between the TV and soundbar that is as fault - but I suspect the TV.  And as best as I can tell from playing around with the settings and reading lots of online posts about it, this is apparently a known flaw and not something I can easily fix.  So either I have to get used to this lag, or I need to come up with some sort of workaround (without buying whole new equipment).  So much for putting all my trust in such a well reviewed TV and well reviewed soundbar - they don't mention anything at all about any of these kind of issues.  Next time I'll spend the money and stick to quality electronics from the big names.  Not TCL (for the TV) and Vizio (for the soundbar).

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