Thursday, February 6, 2020

Not Guilty

And to the surprise of absolutely nobody, Trump has got away with it.  I barely followed the impeachment trial, and certainly not interested in hearing about all his gloating afterwards.  Not guilty – yeah, right.  But at least there is one Republican senator who still has a shred of decency left and did vote to impeach, and that is Mitt Romney.  This is where we miss someone like John McCain, who I’m fairly sure would also have voted against Trump.  And between them, they could have made a difference.  I think I saw this headline somewhere, and I totally agree with it, is that maybe Trump has been the luckiest president ever.  From reaping all the benefits of Obama’s economic policies, to how all the Republican dominoes have lined up in his favor, to how all the foreign election influence has been to his benefit, to not having to deal with any real major crises in his presidency, to facing a directionless Democratic party.  It’s almost like some bigger power wants him to stay as president (that bigger power being the 1%).  As for Iowa, what an embarrassing mess and how sad that this piddling little state seems to have such a strong influence on who will face Trump in the election.  And if it is Bernie Saunders – oh my god, what a disaster that would be.  He has NO chance against Trump, absolutely none.  It’s an almost carbon copy of Corbyn vs Boris, and look at how that turned out.  I don’t know how the Democratic Party can be so blinkered to this – it’s a level of delusion I can’t fathom.  If I could vote, I would seriously consider voting for Trump over Bernie.  And as I’ve made clear in this blog, I utterly loathe Trump.  What does that say about Bernie.

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