Sunday, July 16, 2017


Finally, after a far too long wait, Game of Thrones is back!  In the age of streaming, it is the last great event TV show of our generation.  Here is what I made a note of from the first episode of the last series (which is probably much better suited to the medium of Twitter - oh well...!):

- The Great Game
- Pre-opening credits slaughter!  Tone setter
- Oldtown in credits - significant?!
- White Walker giants!  Yikes.
- Lyanna Mormont - the best
- Sansa Stark - the worst
- Cersei + Euron = Predictable
- Euron's priceless gift?  Internet speculation alert
- Samwell montage ridiculous.  Comic relief?
- Brienne + Tormund = more comic relief
- Ed Sheeran?!  F*ck off.
- The hound has a lot of remorse
- Jorah apparently hasn't found a cure for grayscale yet
- ... and Daenerys is home

Good episode - nothing totally mind-blowing, but nicely setting the stage for what is to come (which I hope is a lot!)


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