Sunday, July 9, 2017

House Woes

Today was a disturbing day of bad omens and unwelcome occurrences.

1) Firstly, I woke up to find the cute rabbit who had been living under my porch dead on my driveway.  Sad.  I'm not sure of the correct way to dispose of a dead rabbit (I'm not the kind of person who picks up roadkill), so I just chucked it into the undergrowth where I wouldn't have to see or deal with it.  I feared the coyotes might have been in the neighborhood again, but later on I saw a falcon in the vicinity of where the rabbit had been (which was kind of cool) - probably confused as to what had happened to its kill.

2) Secondly, I did some washing and found that one of my loads came out of the dryer stinking of marijuana.  I haven't touched this drug for quite a while (even though it's perfectly legal in Washington state), so I've got absolutely no idea how that smell permeated my washing - and just affected this one load because I didn't smell it again in subsequent loads.  I suspect either one of my neighbors or my landlord's son may have sneaked a quick smoke somewhere in the vicinity of the vent to my dryer - which is a bit disturbing, if implausible, but I don't have any better ideas.

3) Thirdly, and finally, I was watching a film and I could hear what I thought was some weird noise from my right-hand side speaker.  But then when I paused the film I could still hear this slight buzzing noise.  After considerable confusion and investigation to find the location and cause of the noise, I have discovered that I have a bee infestation and that the sound is actually the sound of bees behind the wall corner in my living room.  My, I've never had to deal with that before in rented accommodation - so hopefully my landlord will quickly fix.

The joys of living in a privately-owned house instead of a corporate-owned apartment.

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