Monday, November 7, 2016


Is this a weird thing to do?  I’m slowly and meticulously documenting all my belongings room by room.  It’s strange to be compiling a list of everything from the mundane through the junk through to the stuff that has some sentimental value.  Why am I doing this?  Really, it was a way to decide what to keep and what to ditch when I move – whether that is local or eventually somewhere more significant (international not being out of the question if Trump wins!).  I also seem to have accumulated a lot of things over the years without really getting rid of all that much (classic hoarder symptoms!), so I wanted to know exactly what I have.  For example, why have I still got 3 printers!?  I guess there is also an interesting story of my life to be made from my belongings – though it might be a bit of a sad story!  What has become clear is that I should probably spend a lot more on better quality basics, and a lot less on impulse buys – I’ve always favored functional over aesthetic, but I’m now in a position where I can afford to upgrade a lot of my belongings.  I think on some level I’ve always held back on this until I lived somewhere nicer that is worthy of nicer furniture and furnishings.  If I’m going to move next year, which I hope and expect to do, then perhaps this is the perfect time to start this process.  Moving, upgrading my furniture, new car – next year could prove to be a costly one! 

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