Saturday, November 5, 2016

I hate my car

I'm suffering from a serious fogging issue with my car at the moment.  Every time it rains and I park outside, when I return to the car and drive off after a couple of minutes my car REALLY fogs up on the inside windows.  Its happened a few times, and its really dangerous because I can't see anything through the windows and I've had to pull over and wait until it clears.  This hasn't happened before and I'm not really sure what the issue is - clearly I've got too much moisture in my car, but whether I've got some kind of leak letting water in or whether the AC and/or demister is not working I don't know.  But it's a real pain.  I'm experimenting with the climate controls in my car to see if there is a quick fix that I just haven't been using properly (e.g. cranking up the temperature and AC), but nothing is really working.  I suspect I'll schedule a car service this week to get it looked at - my ongoing transmission issues seem to be getting worse as well (major shuddering when accelerating from stationary, where it doesn't seem as though the automatic transmission is engaging the low gear properly), so it looks like my plan of getting a new car next year is a go.

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