Sunday, August 18, 2024


We had some stormy weather over the weekend.  A front came in yesterday evening, accompanied by heavy rain and a load of thunder and lightning.  Made for a very dramatic night.  It had cleared up this morning, so I assume we were back to normal summer weather.  So I took the opportunity to wash my car this afternoon.  So I was somewhat surprised - more so as there was absolutely no indication that this was going to happen on the weather app - that another stormy front rolled in.  It was brief, but accompanied by heavy rain and some really strong winds.  Like strong enough that I could actually hear tree limbs snapping nearby.  The problem was that I'd taken my car out of my carport and onto my driveway in order to wash it.  By the time this front was finished, my car was covered with tree debris - so I guess my car is going to need another clean.... 

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