Friday, August 9, 2024

Cubicle Hell

I'm in an absolutely foul mood today.  For the second time this week, I went into the office and promptly headed home after only a few hours.  It's not that I wanted to, I actually have quite a lot of work to do and was hoping to stay late in the office to get stuff done.  No, it's the person in the cubicle next to me who is really getting on my nerves.  It's not like they're doing anything wrong, but everything they do - whether it's typing away loudly on their keyboard, speaking Chinese on a call or asking to lower the window blinds on my side - were incredibly annoying.  I couldn't handle it - I had to first walk away from my desk, and finally just go home early.  It's especially grating on Friday, where literally nobody else is in the office apart from her right next to me.  I purposely come in on Fridays to get that peace and quiet - but now I don't have it, and I was so pissed.  I have made a few people aware of my frustrations, with the hope that maybe she can move (or be moved) to a different desk.  I'm not optimistic, but something has got to change.  Even if that means changing my schedule of when I go into the office, just to avoid her.  It's really sad that it's come to this.  Maybe I'm a bit oversensitive and a bit of an ass about the situation - but if you're going to make me come into the office, then you better make damn sure that the work environment is conducive to getting work done.  

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