Wednesday, August 28, 2024


It's time I got a new iPhone.  I've currently got an iPhone 11, which is nearly 5 years old now.  The new iPhones have better cameras, better performance and, perhaps most significantly, use 5G - something which the iPhone 11 does not.  The problem is - it's so expensive.  An unlocked iPhone 15 is going to cost me at least $830.  Plus tax.  Plus all the accessories you need to get (like a case).  It all adds up, and it's ridiculous.  Do I take the chance on paying less for a refurbished phone?  I probably won't risk it.  I believe that because I, theoretically, use my phone for work then my company will pay me something like $200 towards a phone.  But naturally this little benefit was impossible to find on the company internal website - I guess they don't want to freely advertise it.  I need to do more digging.            


  1. Be smart.

    You've already identifed that over time the differential between old & new grows - BUT....with Apple each annual release shows (of late) modest improvement.

    Get a 13 now, or a 1 when 16 gets launches.

    I bought Sarah (who was on a XR) a 13 in Feb - she's well happy.

    I've got a 12, which I'm OK with at present, but I'll upgrade when 17 hits to a 14/15

  2. Belated happy birthday BTW.

    I was late congratulating your sister, so I'll be late congratulating you.
