Monday, February 12, 2024


I ended up watching a bit of the Super Bowl - it was a close and tense one, going to overtime, but never felt particularly exciting which was kind of weird.  But the most memorable thing for me wasn't the game but was a couple of adverts that I happened to catch.  The first was - bizarrely - a political ad for Robert F Kennedy Jr, who is apparently running as an independent in the presidential election.  Something which I had absolutely no idea about until I watched this political ad that looked and sounded like something JFK would have aired 60+ years ago.  But to air this ad during the Super Bowl must have cost an absolute fortune for someone most people don't know anything about apart from his extreme anti-vax views.  And who definitely will not win the election.  What a waste of money.  And the other memorable advert was for - in all seriousness - Jesus.  Yes, it was a religious ad.  Only in America.  But this one was just surreal - it's message was supposed to be something to the affect of "Jesus didn't teach hate.  He washed feet", but with all these clips of people having their feet washed it felt more like an advert for Jesus having a foot fetish.  Extremely creepy.  Again, are you sure there aren't better ways you can spend these millions of dollars in the name of religion - like actually helping people.         

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