Saturday, July 29, 2023

Road Closure

A stretch of road near me has been fully closed since 20 June, and is not due to open again until the end of August.  They are apparently replacing a culvert that is preventing the passage of fish.  Not quite sure why it takes 2 months to replace a pipe, and why the entire road needs to be closed.  Whatever.  It's kind of a pain in the ass - it doesn't affect my commute, but does mean that I have to take long detours to get to some destinations like the supermarket or some of my regular hiking trails.  But it has also caused a welcome reduction in the amount of traffic that goes outside my house (and, not coincidentally, a welcome reduction in the amount of litter!).  With the road closure, people can no longer use my road as a cut-through.  Let's hope it stays that way once the road reopens.

1 comment:

  1. And nominations for the Academy Award's Naive Comment of the Year are......
