Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Wales 0-3 England

I sacrificed a free lunch in order to watch the match today from home.  Besides the actual game, I had a good excuse for not going into the office.  It's been snowing since 8 am.  And it's been accumulating.  Not by a huge amount, but enough to be a problem.  And in the end, I didn't really watch much of the match.  I was distracted by work and other stuff during the first half, and then when England quickly went 3-0 up in the second half I decided to turn over and watch the US hang on by the skin of their teeth to also advance.  So obviously that is the only result they were talking about afterwards here.  As I said to a Welsh work colleague, it seemed to be more a case of Wales being really bad rather than England being really good.  But we were clinical when it mattered.  And we advanced, which is the main thing.  Although I think the African champions will be a stiffer test.  

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