Sunday, November 20, 2022

Catching Some Z's

Note to self - if you plan to go for a Sunday afternoon hike, don't: get up early to get some groceries and do some chores, play video games with your nephew, have a big lunch, fall asleep on the sofa and don't wake up until it's dark outside.  What a waste of a day - I clearly need to catch up on some sleep over Thanksgiving.  I've definitely not been sleeping well - and I know this because I've been consistently waking up in the middle of the night, and in the middle of a dream.  For someone who doesn't normally recall any dreams, my subconscious is very weird - I should keep a notebook by the side of the bed so that I can write the dream down while it's fresh in my mind, and because it would make for some good blog content (and some deeper psychological analysis of my psyche),  

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