Saturday, November 26, 2022

Best Laid Plans

I'm starting to get nervous about my trip back to the UK.  There are the rail strikes - which look as though they are going to disrupt my plans.  That's if they go ahead (which they probably will, thanks to those selfish union assholes).  But even if I can't travel everywhere or see everyone I want to see, it's not a total disaster.  What I'm much more concerned about is the weather here.  We have some really cold Arctic air coming in next week, and a very strong likelihood of lowland snow and a big freeze.  This is exactly the kind of system that will result in my not being able to drive anywhere.  Including driving to the airport.  And that would be an absolute disaster.  The forecast - as it stands - does not look good: snow from Tuesday through the weekend next week, and then more snow the following week.  And some very cold overnight temperatures, which in combination with the snow will ruin the road conditions.  Yikes.  There still seems to be a lot of uncertainty in the forecast, but I think the uncertainty is more to do with how much snow we will get rather than if we get any or not.  Based on how bad it was here last Christmas, I am worried.          

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