Friday, October 19, 2018

Drop, Cover and Hold On

In the most ridiculous waste of time yet at work, we had an earthquake drill today.  The fire alarm came on, and we had to kneel and crouch under our desk for a minute until the alarm went off (and the simulated earthquake had finished) and we could evacuate the building.  The chances of an earthquake happening here in reality are minuscule at best, so this exercise was utterly stupid and pointless.  I probably failed the drill as well.  If you can believe this, everyone in the office has been supplied an emergency supply pack in the unlikely event of such a disaster.  I forgot to grab mine from under my desk as I evacuated the building.  Without my emergency supply pack, I wouldn’t have survived the carnage and subsequent zombie apocalypse.  Oh no.  What makes it worse – an actual state, national and international “Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill” was conducted yesterday.  So I have no idea why we did ours a day after everyone else.  Naturally, if we actually do have a serious earthquake in the next few years then I take back all my criticism.  But unlike when I lived in California, I’ve never even noticed or felt an earthquake tremor in my entire time in the Pacific NW.


  1. I'd not be so blasé about this, the whole of the West Coast of North America runs along the join between the Pacific plate & the North American plate - OK where you are the join is a couple of hundred miles out to sea, but how far is St Helens from you ? (or how far was it before it went bang)

  2. As an addendum, Homo Sapiens seems to think it's got Mother Nature licked.

    How arrogant (& wrong) are we as a species.
