Sunday, July 14, 2024

Windsor and Eton

I'm writing this before the football, so nothing to say about that.  Not much I want to say about the Trump assassination attempt either, apart from (a) if it wasn't orchestrated by the Trump campaign (not beyond the realm of possibility), then this guarantees Trump is going to win the election that he was probably going to win anyway, and (b) if you're going to attempt to assassinate ex-President Trump, then the least you could do is actually succeed, and (c) perhaps the most tragic aspect about the whole thing is no mention of addressing gun violence by changing the gun laws.  Nope, nothing will change.

Made the most of the nice weather today, and did another walk from my book of London walks - which actually involved braving the tourist hordes yet again, but this time around Windsor and Eton rather than London itself.  It was busy almost throughout the entire route, so I think doing this walk on a (relatively) sunny summer weekend day is probably not the best plan!  You could easily make a day trip of this e.g. I never went inside the palace (the queues looked horrendous).  But it was a good walk - even if the main highlights are representative of 2 parts of British society that I don't care for: the Royal Family (Windsor Castle) and toffs (Eton College).  Through a combination of outdated directions and construction work closing my desired route, got horribly lost around Eton College so probably ended up walking a lot more than the planned 4 miles.  And, if I'm going to be honest, a little bit disappointed with the quality of my photos - must do better.

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