Friday, July 19, 2024


I don't know what kind of weather we had in Seattle in the 3 weeks that I was away, but I've come back to carnage outside my house.  Moles have devastated my yard.  My landlord (or his son) has done a half-assed job of cutting my grass.  And I assume there's been some hot weather here, because most of the grass has turned brown.  All my hummingbird feeders were empty, as was the bird bath.  So I hope the bird life is still around.  And something was off when I was outside, and I couldn't put my finger on it until I realized that my landlord has apparently cut down one of the trees beside my driveway.  It was one that was already bent over quite dramatically, so I'm glad he did it now rather than it eventually falling down and taking the overhead wires with it.  I guess I had noticed the subtle difference in the treeline.       

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