Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Major panic this evening as I thought I'd deleted all the photos I'd taken during my UK trip.  Why is transferring photos from a phone to a laptop so complicated?  I'm sure it used to be so much simpler.  I was getting lots of "your iCloud storage is full" type messages on my phone - the main culprit being all the photos I'd taken, so thought I'd copy them to my laptop in order to free up the space.  But then I got confused between my iCloud folder and my non-iCloud folder - both of which contained the same photos - and started deleting the wrong ones.  Thank god for the recycle bin.  I know I get unlimited photo storage with my Amazon Prime membership, so don't know why I don't make use of this.  So now all my photos are on my laptop, where they'll probably remain unseen for the rest of time.

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