Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Deja Vu

Oh no, I have another neighbor causing me grief.  This time it's the Spanish-language speaking family south of me - below and across the street.  Since last week, they've got some kind of souped up car (maybe a buggy?) with an incredibly loud engine and an incredibly loud sound system.  And it's really been testing my over-sensitivity to noise.  There have been multiple occasions when I've been disturbed by either a revving engine (or indeed, just the idling engine) or playing their stupid Spanish-language music exceptionally loudly.  After one too many times of being bothered by the thumping bass, I did manage to shout down to them a request to turn down the music - and they have obliged.  But that hasn't stopped me still being occasionally bothered by the sound of their engine, and still being able to hear their music even if it's played  at a quieter volume.  I don't know how long this is going to go on for - I fear it might not get better any time soon.  Do I consider next steps, or do I just suck it up?  To be determined.          

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