Monday, June 3, 2024

Winter Storm

It's June.  June.  And we are currently experiencing the kind of winter storm we might expect in November.  Yesterday there was loads of rain.  Especially in the mountains, hence we are under a flood watch until Wednesday.  And overnight and today, it's been really windy.  Indeed we are under a wind advisory until tomorrow morning.  Thousands of people have lost power - and judging by the number of traffic lights that were out on my way into work today, lots in nearby neighborhoods.  And all the roads are covered with bits of tree debris.  As is my driveway and yard (and roof).  I'm sure plenty of trees have come down across the region.  It's all very unseasonal and unpleasant.  But at least warmer temperatures are forecast for the end of the week.  Unfortunately only after another round of heavy rain.        

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