Saturday, June 29, 2024

Syon Park to Strawberry Hill

As is almost obligatory at this point, I did a walk from my book of London walks yesterday - what will probably be the first of several.  This is one I hadn't done before - essentially a riverside walk between some big mansions in west London, on the opposite bank of the Thames to the Richmond walk I've done several times before.  And these are some nice old mansions - most of them open for exploration.  I went into one that had free entry, but didn't stay long because I didn't like being constantly bothered by the number of volunteers - who outnumbered the number of visitors.  The book said it was a 4.5 mile walk that should take about 2.5 hours.  Even with some minor deviations from the prescribed route, this ended up being a lot longer - and it felt like it.  I came back exhausted, but it was worth it.

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