Monday, June 17, 2024


Washington is the leading apple-growing state, producing over half of the domestically grown apples.  So when I buy them from the supermarket, why do they suck?  They don't taste great, and they don't seem to last long.  I'm probably buying them from the wrong place - I should try to find the nearest fruit stand.  Even the Cosmic Crisp variety of apple - developed after 20 years of study and research by Washington State University to supposedly come up with the perfect balance of flavo(u)r and texture - is nothing special.  

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth : Did you know that the Fenty's had an apple farm back in Pennsylvania?

    Ben Rumson : Apple jack, huh?

    Mr. Fenty : No, sir, we did not make apple jack!

    Ben Rumson : Then, what did you grow the apples for?

    Mr. Fenty : Mr. Rumson, do you think that everything that comes out of the earth should be used to make liquor?

    Ben Rumson : Whenever possible, yes.
