Saturday, June 22, 2024

Soccer Coverage

Oh dear.  Fox's coverage of the Euros is not getting any better.  And that's me being polite.  It's lamentable.  I don't think I've watched a single game all the way through yet apart from the England games.  And even then, I muted the TV at halftime because watching England games is punishing enough without having to hear the insufferable Alexi Lalas at halftime. Even Fox's YouTube highlights of each game is really poor - just some badly edited clips of the various goal attempts, with little to no context and build-up.  Alexi and Landon "Monotone" Donovan in commentary seem to come in for the biggest criticism over here.  But it goes far beyond that.  There are so many other things wrong that would be so easy to fix - get rid of the "rules experts" (Mark Clattenburg and "Dr" Joe Machnik) who provide absolutely zero insight; broadcast a daily Match of the Day type show with the highlights of each game played that day; use the universally recognized red card symbol (i.e. a red square) in the graphic to indicate when a team has had a player sent off, instead of the hugely intrusive "10 players" text; do not sublicense any games to a 3rd party streaming service (this one is particularly inexcusable).  I might have to use a VPN service for the 2026 World Cup. 

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