Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Another alarming development in the future of my job today.  I found out that they are escalating the amount of work being outsourced.  And it's not just the amount of work, it's the kind of work that's being outsourced.  It is the kind of work that I've been doing for the last 25 years and which I've built my career on.  It's the kind of hands-on work that I'm good at, and indeed is probably my biggest strength.  And now it seems likely to be outsourced, leaving only more of an oversight role.  Which I think I can do perfectly well, but we sure as hell don't need to employ as many people as we do now to perform the oversight role.  So I am a lot more worried about getting laid off at some point in the future now.  I just don't understand the reasoning for all these changes - things were working well, and if it ain't broke don't fix it.  It's people in upper management who don't understand what we do in our jobs making decisions that they don't really understand the impact of.  All my experiences of outsourcing have not been positive - and I think this is a serious step in the wrong direction.  It's not just me, but I think there is a lot of grumblings going on throughout the group.  Let's hope there are some changes in upper management and some changes in the direction we're going in before things get too out of hand.      

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