Saturday, June 8, 2024

For Sale

I guess they've finished renovating the house that is NE of mine - I drove past it this evening, and it's up for sale again.  It got sold for about $0.5 million last year, and now it's on the market for $1.15 million.  That's quite the increase!  Mind you, they bought it when it was just a wooden shell - so presumably that is some quite serious upgrades and renovations they've done.

In context of the above photo (which I grabbed from a real estate website), my house is kind of in the direction that this photo is taken from, behind the trees and looking down on this property.   I am mostly hidden from them by the trees, though I can actually see the gazebo in the photo from my kitchen window (something that I'm not particularly thrilled about).  When talking to my landlord about this property a while ago, he said there were some serious issues with the plumbing and sewage in this location - which is why he never bought it.  I wonder if and how they fixed it, or whether the new buyer is in for a bit of a shock.  Either way, I am glad the construction noise is hopefully done with from that direction, but now I am concerned for what kind of noise I might expect from whoever moves in.

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