Monday, June 10, 2024

Summer TV

The slate of summer programming on TV seems very uninspiring.  If there is a time to cut the cord - something I've been saying I should do for an awfully long time now - this should be it.  I'm not even particularly enthused by the upcoming second season of House of Dragon - probably the highest profile show coming up.  Network TV is just a write off over summer - just one crappy gameshow after another.  And there are only a few cable TV shows worth watching.  Which just leaves streaming.  So why am I still bothering paying for cable TV?  I'm honestly not sure - perhaps for sports, perhaps because I still have stuff on my DVR to watch.  But based on the lack of shows worth adding to my DVR, I think I'm going to get through what's left on it quite quickly.  Perhaps I can get back to rewatching the Bond films, something that I have inexplicably procrastinated on for quite some time now.  Either way, I've got to do better than watching old episodes of Law & Order: SVU.         

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