Saturday, June 8, 2019


It's really weird how the brain works.  I don't know if or what I was dreaming about, but I woke up in the early hours this morning determined to check a reunion date mentioned in my yearbook from university.  So after many minutes digging round my stuff and eventually finding it, I check it and sure enough there is the date, time and location mentioned: The Boater, 8 pm, Friday July 5th 2019.  A month away.  Why this crossed my mind now I have no idea - maybe on some subconscious level I registered the date many years ago.  It's a shame I won't be able to make it - I'm not flying back just for the off chance that somebody takes this offhand remark about a reunion, at a pub, and actually shows up.  But I hope somebody I know does, and reconnects with people who we've long lost touch with, and passes on any news.  Definitely curious to know what happened to certain people I went to university with - it's been a long 25 years, which is quite the sobering realization.     

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