Sunday, April 14, 2019

GoT S8E1

I'm writing this about an hour before the first episode of the last season of Game of Thrones airs.  So it's already been on on the East Coast, and I am avoiding internet spoilers like the plague.  This feels important - the last great TV event of our generation, and perhaps ever given the trends in how TV is consumed now.  It is the only TV show left that if at all possible I have to watch live when it premieres - and the only show which I will discuss extensively with colleagues at work the morning after.  If this is the end of peak TV as we know it (think GoT, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Lost, Sopranos, Deadwood, etc.) then it's going to be tough to meet my lofty expectations for this last season.  But I can't wait - it's been a long 2 years or whatever it's been since the last new episode.

Now I'm writing this having just watched the first episode.  And it was a cracker.  You don't need a big action set piece to have a great episode.  This was all about re-introducing all the major players, and having lots of them reconnect for the first time in seasons.  It's about putting the pieces in place for when the action starts, and I'm fine with that for the first episode of the season.  Solid stuff.  And still the best thing on telly at the moment.   

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