Saturday, April 27, 2019

Crane Collapse

I don't know whether this news reached the UK, but a construction crane collapsed in Seattle killing 4 people today.  The frightening thing is that it happened close to where I work - and I probably pass under the vicinity of where the crane fell 2 to 3 times a week on lunchtime walks.  With the amount of construction going on in Seattle - particularly in the neighborhoods close to where I work - it was sadly inevitable that a tragic accident would happen sooner or later.  Seattle has had the most cranes in its skyline of any American city for about the last 3 or 4 years.  And today, we definitely had some strong gusts of wind that might have caused the incident.  I already have lots of issues with all the construction, from the increased traffic and road closures to the big construction vehicles damaging the roads and creating massive potholes.  The Monday morning traffic will be even more hellish than normal if the roads stay closed where the crane fell. 

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