Wednesday, September 2, 2020


It’s quite shameless that it seems like the CDC and US government are going to try to push through approval of a vaccine prior to the election.  Of course I want to see a safe and effective vaccine available to everyone as soon as possible.  But you cannot rush proving safety and efficacy of any drug, no matter how critical the need is.  Cue montage of movies featuring researchers speeding up the process by testing experimental drugs on the poor and homeless or themselves and it all going really well.  And the timing seems remarkably convenient in order to attract those last minute undecided votes.  Once again, this is the politicization of something that shouldn’t be politicized – just like Trump should never have gone to Wisconsin to “support the police”.  All he has done is stoke tensions further, especially as his re-election campaign increasingly pivots to a law and order platform.  I still don’t trust the polls, and I still think he is going to win the election – never underestimate the stupidity of the American people. 

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