Thursday, September 10, 2020


A couple of significant milestones this week.  Firstly, it was my 5 year anniversary in my job - or at least my 5 year anniversary since rejoining.  I didn't reach my 5 year milestone before - so that says a lot about how much more settled I am in my job than I was before.  Though would still be glad if I had something more substantial to work on!  Apart from a small gift - basically you get given some points that you can redeem at this crappy corporate website, which rather than get something overpriced I thought I'd just exchange for a $200 Amazon gift card - the best thing about reaching 5 years is that you get an extra week's vacation.  So hopefully my vacation allowance will start accruing at a higher rate now (and I have already got quite a lot of hours in the bucket - getting up towards 200 hours now.  Hopefully I can spend them soon!  Apparently our company is still going to cap how many hours you can accrue - which kind of sucks given how limited travel is right now).  The other significant milestone I reached this week is 9 months in length.  Yes, the length of time it takes from conception to birth is also the length of time I took between haircuts.  Finally gave in and got a haircut this week - my first haircut in 2020 - my hair was just too out of control and I was starting to get embarrassed by it.  The barbers where I go have jacked up their prices, not really a surprise but kind of disappointing.  But then it is kind of strange to get your haircut whilst still wearing a mask - and the haircut takes longer because they kind of have to maneuver around that.  But at least I don't have to wear a baseball cap all the time now!      

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