Friday, February 17, 2017

Merit Increases and Bonuses

I found out today what my bonus and salary increase for this year was.  Sadly, it didn’t come from my manager because she hasn’t told me yet (thanks a bunch….).  Instead, I had to find out from inspectiing my pay stubs.  And if my “math” is right, then I am incredibly pissed off at the miserly pay increase being given to me (2.3%, very much on the low end for my rating).  This was considerably lower than what I wanted, but worse considerably lower than what I expected.  I should probably be grateful to earn as much as I do for as little work as I’ve done over the last year, but I have to compare myself to my peers at work and it appears that I am being screwed over relative to my ability and competency.  I’m already unhappy with my manager for her over-controlling and overbearing nature, so I think this might be the final straw and the push I need to insist on working in a new team with a new manager.  Time to arrange a meeting with my manager’s manager. 

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