Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Mrs Brown's Boys

My god, is there a TV show worse than Mrs Brown's Boys?  It's absolutely terrible.  Just horribly, painfully, unrelentingly unfunny and unwatchable.  But there it is, airing in a prime Christmas Day slot on BBC1.  Shocking.  If i paid a TV licence fee, I would be absolutely incensed that even a fraction of it goes to this abomination.  If I was Irish, I would be furious of my backward depiction in this atrocity.  As it is, I am dumbfounded and embarrassed that I have at least one relative who apparently finds it funny.  I don't know what the viewership is, but I'm guessing they aren't the only one.  The show is so bad that it isn't even good enough to get an American adaption - thank god for small mercies.  That's America with its many, many terrible sitcoms over the years.  That's how bad it is.  My advice - if you want good Irish comedy, watch repeats of Father Ted.      

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely, 100%, concur - it's utterly dreadful.

    TOTALLY unfunny.

    & I get to suffer it because Sarah likes it!!
