Thursday, December 22, 2022

Bomb Cyclone

I just checked the Seattle Times website, and the headline is "Freezing Temps, icy rain and snow".  Yikes.  It's not just Seattle though, most of the US is currently blanketed by a massive winter storm.  The snow and freezing temperatures are going to cause a LOT of trouble - especially those areas not used to it (places like Texas and Florida could particularly suffer).  As for Seattle, it's currently a lot of flight delays/cancellations and road closures.  And, tomorrow, an ice storm is looming (not the first time Seattle has had one - I read that the last one was in 2012, when I was living in Seattle but I don't remember it).  Temperatures haven't got above freezing for the last few days, and freezing rain is due to fall.  This is going to cause some horribly icy road conditions, plus the potential for power outages (unsurprisingly there is an official winter storm warning through tomorrow, with big snow and ice accumulations expected).  Thank god I'm here rather than there!  And, mercifully, from Christmas until I fly back it looks like milder and wetter weather in the forecast - so hopefully things will clear up by the time I get back.  If I'm able to get back home without any issues, then I might have dodged a couple of bullets in avoiding the worst of the weather when flying in and out of the UK this time.  But, sadly, I might have to seriously rethink coming back at this time of year with the potential for disruption.

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