Wednesday, December 21, 2016


What is it about the British and quizzes?  It seems to be an obsession.  From Sudoku and crosswords in the newspapers, to the obscene number of quiz shows on television - you cannot seem to get enough of them.  Thankfully, it's not the same in the US.  Jeopardy is the only long-running quiz show I can think of on American television, whose closest equivalent is Fifteen to One.  I can't think of any others that require even a modicum of intelligence or general knowledge (I'm not even sure that something like Who Wants to be a Millionaire is on any more).  I think the New York Times Crossword is also a well known challenge, but I imagine only a handful of people tackle that; I used to get my Sudoku fix from an app, but I hardly use that any more.  Perhaps this all goes to explain why the vast majority of Americans are perceived as "stupid" - I don't necessarily think this is due to a lack of intelligence, more just a lack of general knowledge (and lack of education in logical deduction - why do you think so many Chinese/Indians immigrate to America for jobs like mine?).  I'm sadly noticing that I can't answer general knowledge questions nearly as easily as I used to - I'm not sure if this is due to my age or my "Americanization"!  This also makes the vast majority of Americans gullible, which is why someone like Donald Trump can rile them up with lies and exaggerations with horrifying consequences.  

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