Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Neighborhood Wars

There's a certain irony that whilst I have Neighborhood Wars on the telly, one of those crappy clip shows of real-life neighbo(u)rs fighting, I'm once again getting irritated by my neighbor across the way.  After leaving a note, he actually got in touch with me via my landlord (who has apparently bought lumber from him before or something).  Anyway, we exchanged a few text messages (generally amicable, although I may have irritated him a bit by not wanting to meet face-to-face) and things have been alright for the last month or so.  Perhaps also helped by the foliage building up to partially block my view of his property - out of sight, out of mind.  But over the last few days, I've once again noticed outdoor burning going on - particularly noticeable at night when I can see the flames.  And I also heard the tractor this morning.  Oh dear, after a month's break does that mean things are going to get bad again.  Great.  I've got his number, so at what point do I say something?  I want to point out that his outdoor burning is clearly illegal, but I don't want to provoke him to make things worse.  It's a delicate tightrope.  My god, I hate feeling like I'm turning into a Karen.  But why can't I just have normal neighbors?  It's just like at work - why did this co-worker have to take the space next to me?  There were so many better cubicles to choose from that afforded a lot more privacy, but nope they had to go right next to me.  And it's very annoying - for example, we clearly disagree about when blinds should be drawn or not.  People suck.     

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